Ï Representatives of Turkmen universities took part in the project "Summer University" in Kazan

Representatives of Turkmen universities took part in the project "Summer University" in Kazan

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Representatives of Turkmen universities took part in the project "Summer University" in Kazan

Representatives of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan performed in the “Summer University” project, gala the closing ceremony of which took place at the Kazan Federal university.

The event took place at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural communications of KFU, where the results of the project were summed up, honored its mentors and participants.

This year, 400 students from 13 countries took part in the project. world: Abkhazia, South Africa, Brazil, China, India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Russia.

Our country was represented by a teacher from the Department of World Languages Maya Charyeva and a third-year student of the Faculty of International Journalism Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan Jennet Myradova, as well as students Turkmen State Institute of Economics and management Arslan Shaimov, Yakut Soltanmyradov, Khemra Bayrammuhammedov and Begench Taiyrov.

As part of a two-week summer school - scientific and educational project program, students were given the opportunity demonstrate your talents, knowledge and abilities in preparation and presentation of projects in six directions. In their including: “Artificial intelligence and information technology Prompt-engineering"; “Technologies of the future: physics and engineering”;

"Language. Culture. Creation"; "Architecture. Design. Urbanism"; Business Analytics 5.0: Design and Development of Information Panels with Yandex Data Lens (in English); BRICS+: New Trends in International Relations (in English).

For the adaptation and integration of foreign guests there was there is a cultural program, presentation of countries - members of Global Village.

At the closing ceremony of the “Summer” project University" representatives of the Kazan university expressed confidence is that the participants acquired new useful knowledge, their skills practical application and overall positive experience stay at Kazan University.

KFU Vice-Rector for External Relations Timirkhan Alishev noted the importance of the fact that the guys showed themselves not only in science and education, but also in cultural aspects. This suggests that the university is a place of self-realization in both these spheres of activity and in creativity. Students are bright and wide showed their national culture, visited sights of the Republic of Tatarstan and received positive emotions and ideas about Russia, Kazan, various cultural heritage sites of the republic.

In a solemn atmosphere, the guests of Kazan were congratulated on the successful upon completion of the project, participants were awarded certificates.

It was emphasized that on the site of the “Summer University” students from different countries were united by common interests, aspirations, friendship and mutual support, which became the main components of dignified and vibrant participation for all.

The Summer University project is being implemented by Kazan University Federal University with the support of the Ministry of Science and higher education of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Institution “Sociocenter”.

For the first time, the federal project “Summer University” was launched in 2021. It was organized on the initiative of the Ministry of Science and higher education in the Russian Federation and is aimed at popularizing

Russian education abroad, establishing interpersonal, intercultural and international communication, development of relations between countries, Russian and foreign students.