Ï The third issue of the journal «Science and Technology in Turkmenistan» has been published

The third issue of the journal «Science and Technology in Turkmenistan» has been published

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The third issue of the journal «Science and Technology in Turkmenistan» has been published

The latest issue of the journal «Science and Technology in Turkmenistan» opens with three publications dedicated to the creative heritage of the Turkmen classical poet and outstanding philosopher of the East, Magtymguly Fragi.

These are the articles by B. Bekmurzayev and J. Pirgulyyeva «The World of Magtymguly Fragi's Poetry in the Languages of Different Nations», P. Charyyev «Artistic Implementation of the Concept of the National State in Magtymguly’s Poetry» and M. Seyidova «Problems of Educating Social Activity in Young People in Magtymguly’s Poems on Heroic-Patriotic Themes». The theme of cultural heritage is continued by other publications in the journal, dedicated, for example, to the glass products of Dehistan and descriptions of Koneurgench in the manuscripts of Ibn Battuta. The journal also contains the results of research by scientists in linguistics, pedagogy, biology, computer science, medicine and other areas of science.

The interest of industry experts will be attracted by articles on such topical issues as «Priority tasks for developing a sustainable model of digitalization of the economy», «Structural and semantic features of terms from the field of cybersecurity», «Technology for managing the temperature regime during fuel transportation by pipeline», «Improving the areas of training civil servants during the development of an innovative economy» and a number of other materials.