Ï The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan will hold a competition comprehensive e-learning programs among teachers of the country

The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan will hold a competition comprehensive e-learning programs among teachers of the country

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The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan will hold a competition comprehensive e-learning programs among teachers of the country

The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan announced the competition for the best integrated solutions for electronic training among teachers in the country.

Teachers, scientific-teaching staff and other interested specialists higher and secondary vocational educational institutions Turkmenistan.

The goal of the competition is the development of comprehensive e-learning with application of advanced electronic and distance learning, building a digital process training using the best world practices, improving teaching methods based on information technologies, identifying the most distinguished specialists of higher and secondary vocational education institutions of the country in the field of e-learning, encouragement and stimulating the activities of teachers in this area, as well as expansion and intensification of cooperation between them.

Competition organized between July and October of the current year, conducted in three areas: Technology and Economics; Humanities, culture and art, health and sports; Exact and natural sciences.

The participants' works will be assessed according to the following criteria: clarity and clarity of samples of complex electronic programs learning, relevance, originality of e-learning solutions, completeness of the content of the work, novelty, significance of the presented training programs, the presence of multimedia elements, animation, use of AR/VR technologies, etc.

The competition is held as part of the action plan for the implementation Concepts for the development of the digital education system in Turkmenistan.

Based on the results of the competition, the decision of the competent jury will be the best participants were determined - winners of I, II and III places.

The winners will be awarded diplomas of the corresponding degrees on behalf of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. Detailed information about the competition can be found at website of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. Contact numbers: 44-84-88; 44-86-06.