Ï Book exhibition introduces history and culture of Iran

Book exhibition introduces history and culture of Iran

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Book exhibition introduces history and culture of Iran

A book exhibition entitled «States of the World: Iran» was organized in the Department of Foreign Languages of the State Library of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. It features books introducing the ancient history, rich culture, traditions and fiction of the neighbouring state.

The exhibition aroused great interest among readers, because acquaintance with the national values and spiritual world of the people of the country with which Turkmenistan has centuries-old historical and cultural ties contributes to mutual understanding and respect, promoting the principles of good neighbourliness and friendship. As reported by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, in early August, the Advisor on Cultural Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Ashgabat Navid Rasouli visited the State Library of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan and donated a number of valuable publications to the institution. Among them are a two-volume edition of 15 manuscripts published by the Iranian cultural center in honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi, a Persian-Turkmen dictionary containing 10,000 words, a Turkmen-Persian phrasebook and a collection of 30 ancient Persian tales.

The Department of Foreign Languages of the State Library of Turkmenistan maintains contacts with foreign embassies and cultural organizations in order to promote the development of international cultural cooperation. The department's collections contain publications in dozens of languages of the world - English, German, Arabic, French, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Persian, Urdu, Pashto and others. A variety of literature - encyclopedias, books and textbooks on the study of foreign languages, fiction, periodicals on art, culture, politics, economics and other areas are actively used by scientists, students and other categories of readers of the library.