Ï Turkmen specialists familiarized themselves with the work of the Iranian Science and Technology Park

Turkmen specialists familiarized themselves with the work of the Iranian Science and Technology Park

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Turkmen specialists familiarized themselves with the work of the Iranian Science and Technology Park

A. Akgayev, director of the "Oguz Han" Science and Technology Center at the Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan, and A. Babaev, a lecturer from the Department of Physics of High Technologies, visited the Science and Technology Park in the Khorasan Razavi province of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The purpose of the visit was to learn about the park's activities and discuss possible areas of scientific and technological cooperation. During the visit, the Turkmen representatives were provided with detailed information about the structure and organization of the park's work.

The prospects of cooperation between the Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University and the Khorasan Science and Technology Park in education, science, innovation, technology, production and business were discussed at the meeting with the park's management. In this regard, the possibility of signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the parties was considered in order to strengthen scientific research and technological cooperation, exchange knowledge and experience.

The Turkmen guests were also given a presentation on "The Evolution of Technology Development Policy in Iran," focusing on knowledge-based companies and the legal norms in this area. Turkmen specialists had the opportunity to directly observe the production process at a partner company of the park. Representatives of the Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University also visited the Innovation Factory in Mashhad, the administrative center of Khorasan Razavi province, where they learned about its activities and held negotiations on cooperation. The factory is known for providing startups and enterprises located on its premises with resources for job creation, including infrastructure, instructors, investors, and access to service providers, creating constructive communication channels in the urban innovation ecosystem.

The information obtained and contacts established during the business trip will enable the "Oguz Han" Science and Technology Center, created in March this year, to effectively fulfill its tasks in developing priority areas of science, production and industry, developing nano-, bio- and information, digital and smart technologies, artificial intelligence, training young specialists in high technology, creating a knowledge economy, and promoting international cooperation in the scientific and technological field.