Ï Turkmen entrepreneurs are taking a course on the implementation of IT technologies in business.

Turkmen entrepreneurs are taking a course on the implementation of IT technologies in business.

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Turkmen entrepreneurs are taking a course on the implementation of IT technologies in business.

An online training of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on improving entrepreneurial skills for women leaders of small and medium-sized enterprises in Turkmenistan has started.

“IT Solutions - How Technology Can Promote Your Business” course within the Women in Business Initiative and funded by the European Union

During the course, qualified trainers from Armenia Lilit Garayan and Naira Markaryan will acquaint the participants with modern IT tools for running small and medium-sized businesses, the process of its automation, as well as project management methods for the implementation of IT tools. The course is to draw up your business automation plan and speak the same language with IT contractors.

The event was attended by over 30 women entrepreneurs.

The effectiveness of the development of the medium and small business sector, which is the driving force of sustainable economic growth, in modern conditions requires new approaches to organizing activities, and one of such approaches is process automation.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that there is sufficient capacity in society to meet the needs of women entrepreneurs and all businesses so that they can continue to function even when we work remotely or cannot be in person. This training today will help you understand your IT technology needs, explore specific tools that you might find useful, and understand the benefits you can get from using these tools to close the gaps in your business. The European Union is ready to support new initiatives and promote its values in Turkmenistan in the private and public sectors,”said Renata Wrobel, First Secretary of the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan.

Modern IT solutions for the development of the small and medium-sized business segment have a lot of advantages. So, this leads to increased transparency. Any owner wants to understand what the funds are spent on in his company, to clearly present the financial picture. And thanks to the IT system, all the necessary information is available at any time. Implementation of complex IT solutions makes it possible to see in real time what is happening in all departments of the company.

IT systems allow you to synchronize all company data and see the business in the context of various indicators. On the basis of them, analytics are built that helps to assess the current state of the business and promptly make management decisions.

Today's IT systems open up opportunities to manage a business from anywhere in the world, to keep everything under control, everywhere and on any mobile device.

The first part of the training will last until October 28, from November 1 to 4 - the second part is planned.

Trainers will also talk about outsourcing - the process of transferring a part of production or business processes by a company to another company that is an expert in this field.

Outsourcing allows you to entrust the management of these areas to professionals, and to concentrate all efforts on solving the main strategic and production problems, to concentrate resources on the main production.

From an economic point of view, the involvement of an outsourcer allows the company to significantly reduce costs. After all, the company will not have to maintain an additional structure.

Ayjahan Ataballyeva