Ï Archa - the symbol of the Kopetdag Mountains

Archa - the symbol of the Kopetdag Mountains

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Botanists call one of the most amazing properties of the juniper tree, also called the Turkmen juniper, its vitality, thanks to which it can live in mountains, where there is so little moisture needed for growth. People have seen value in the unusual properties of the tree, actively using juniper for domestic, household and practical needs.

In the mountainous, and often in the foothills of the mountains, juniper served as the main fuel for many centuries. Juniper was also used in the construction of wells: inside they were covered with tiles made of juniper wood: water did not spoil in the wells.

But the main pattern of the tree is its medicinal properties. Its branches are an excellent antiseptic, needles kill microorganisms, cones are an excellent diuretic and expectorant drug, and juniper balm significantly accelerates wound healing. The most complete information on the use of juniper in folk medicine can be found on the pages of the first volume of the book "Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan" by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Roman Teplyakov