Ï The newspaper «Nebit-gaz» celebrated the 10th anniversary of its foundation

The newspaper «Nebit-gaz» celebrated the 10th anniversary of its foundation

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The newspaper of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan «Nebit-gaz» celebrated the 10th anniversary of its foundation. The first issue of the trade publication was published in September 2011.

During its existence, the newspaper covered the successes and achievements of the country's fuel and energy complex, told about news and projects in the oil and gas industry, as well as about events taking place in the country and the world.

Soon, the digital transformation, dynamically developing in the sector of the Turkmen media, gave numerous readers of the publication the opportunity to purchase the latest editions of the newspaper in electronic form. Today the newspaper is available for download in PDF format on the official website «Nebit-gaz».

Every year, the editorial office of the publication has held and is conducting creative contests that arouse particular interest among the readership.

In January of this year, a creative competition was announced among the workers of the oil and gas complex for the best article, essay, photo reportage, poem covering the modern achievements of the oil and gas sector of our country, consonant with the motto of the year «Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust». The submitted works of the participants of the competition were regularly published on the pages of the newspaper «Nebit-gaz».

Recently, the results of the creative competition were summed up, and a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners was held in the Central Building of the Union of Trade Union Organizations. The event is timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the celebration of the independence of Turkmenistan, as well as the 10th anniversary of the creation of the newspaper.

The event, organized by the TKNPZ, the Council of Trade Union Organizations of Workers of the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan and the editorial office of the newspaper "Nebit-gaz", was attended by representatives of the oil and gas sector of the country, teachers of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshigeldy Kakaev, as well as representatives of public organizations.

The winners are: Penzhi Khudaygulyev, senior specialist of the website of the newspaper «Nebit-gaz», Guller Orazova, leading specialist of the state corporation «Turkmengeology», teacher of the Y. Kakaev MUNIG, Seilbay Sopyev.

The second place was awarded to the leading specialist of the State Concern «Turkmengaz» Myakhri Mammedova, engineer of the well drilling laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of GC «Turkmengaz» Merdan Durdyev, teacher of the Y. Kakaev MUNIG, Myratmukhammet Myradov.

The third place was shared by the layout designer of the newspaper «Nebit-gaz» Ata Ataev, senior researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Corporation «Turkmengaz» Orazsakhet Bayramov. Eziz Annataganov head of the Department of Y. Kakaev MUNIG.

The electronic newspaper «Turkmenistan: Golden Age» joins in congratulating the winners of the competition and wishes further prosperity to colleagues from the editorial office of the newspaper «Nebit-gaz».

Svetlana Chirtsova