Ï Turkmenistan has celebrated the New Year 2023 with great achievements and grandiose plans!

Turkmenistan has celebrated the New Year 2023 with great achievements and grandiose plans!

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Turkmenistan has celebrated the New Year 2023 with great achievements and grandiose plans!

Today, the people of independent neutral Turkmenistan enthusiastically and solemnly welcome the New Year, 2023, destined to continue the chronicle of the glorious deeds of the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state.

Everyone’s favorite holiday is widely and joyfully going around the country. In large and small towns, villages and towns, songs are heard, happy children are spinning in the round dances at the beautiful Christmas trees. Their wonderful gifts – new songs, dance and musical compositions, various performances were prepared for the New Year by cultural figures and masters of arts – popular pop performers, comedians, dance groups, artists of theaters of the country.

With an extraordinary creative enthusiasm, the holiday is being held in the Turkmen capital, which is celebrating 2023 in bright New Year decorations. Folklore and pop groups and musicians perform in cultural and entertainment centers, parks and squares of Ashgabat. So, the program of concerts taking place today on the square in front of the State Circus and in the capital’s Ylham Park consisted of performances by popular pop singers and young actors starting their way on the big stage – winners of prestigious creative competitions. Their songs are about the beloved Homeland blossoming day by day, its nature, love and beauty, kindness and happiness, and, of course, about New Year’s miracles that all people on the planet Earth are waiting for these days, regardless of age.

Many Ashgabat residents and guests of the city have gathered at the festively decorated square in front of the Älem Cultural and Entertainment Center, where the main events of the New Year’s Eve are held. Against the background of the Kopetdag peaks, framed by white marble skyscrapers and towering monuments, the New Year’s celebration has a special symbolic meaning. In this wonderful corner of the Turkmen capital – the heart of our independent Homeland, which has become the personification of the new age for all of us, the dynamic pulse of the modern epoch is visibly felt.

The elegant beautiful Christmas tree, cheerful music and songs, sonorous young voices create a unique atmosphere of a kind and magical holiday in a wonderful fairy-tale town under the open sky. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, showing a wonderful example of a sensitive, friendly attitude towards children, personally congratulated young Turkmen citizens on the upcoming New Year, taking part in the celebrations at the Main Christmas Tree of the country the day before.

Seeing off 2022, which has remained in the historical chronicle of our sovereign state as the year “The Epoch of the People with Arkadag”, we recall past events, assess their significance and make plans for the future. So, what was the outgoing year like for us?

The screen of a huge monitor installed next to the concert stage reflects the brightest and most significant events of 2022, great achievements and large-scale initiatives that are inextricably linked with the name of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The outgoing 2022 has become truly fateful for all of us – Turkmenistan has entered a new stage of its development, called the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state. An important historical event of the year was the election of the President of the country, which took place on a broad alternative basis and demonstrated the steadfastness of Turkmenistan’s course towards further democratization of society, its consolidation around the basic values, which are based on independence, stability, peace and harmony. The people voted for Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a young energetic leader who presented his vision of the future of the Homeland. The policy initiated by the Hero-Arkadag, the essence of which is the principle “The state is for man!”, has found a worthy continuation in the strategic course taken by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Its key goal is succinctly expressed in the words: “The Homeland is the Homeland only with the people!”

Every day of 2022 was filled with many hard work, inscribed every new fact in the annals of the independent Turkmen state, testifying to the continuous growth of its international authority, economic power, the growing welfare of the people, the spiritual revival of the Turkmen nation.

The year 2022 was marked by a number of important initiatives and decisions that contribute to the further socio-economic development of the capital and the regions, the realization of their richest economic and natural potential. It was the social priorities that continued to be the basis of all the transformations carried out in the Homeland. In order to further the prosperity of the country, it was adopted the Program “Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state: The National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052”.

The implementation of programs in youth policy has gained a new dynamic. And in this regard, it is worthy reminding the 7th Congress of the Makhtumkuli Youth Organization of Turkmenistan held in the capital on September 1 and the adopted new version of the Law of Turkmenistan “On State Youth Policy”.

The formation of a patriotic, highly educated, erudite, physically and morally healthy, well-bred young generation is one of the strategic objectives of the development of Turkmenistan in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, clearly outlined by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in his essentially programmatic speech addressed to the participants of the 7th Congress.

The youth policy pursued by the President of Turkmenistan is aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the formation, development and personal growth of Turkmen youth, expanding opportunities for the maximum realization of their intellectual, creative and spiritual potential in the interests of society and the state. And therefore, it is natural that the coming year 2023, at the suggestion of the Turkmen people, will be held under the motto “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”.

This fact is a tribute of high respect to the President of the country, who confidently leads the people and the Homeland to new achievements in all spheres. This is the recognition by the people of the large-scale work carried out by the head of state to strengthen peace and trust throughout the world, the efforts made to ensure the well-being of present and future generations.

The year 2022 is marked by a number of events of both international and domestic importance, affecting various spheres of socio-economic and spiritual development of the Homeland. The policy of diversification of the national economic complex, creation of all conditions for further intensive development of the economy on a modern innovation platform was continued, concrete plans aimed at further improving the standard of living of the people were implemented.

The construction of international gas pipelines, transport and transit corridors, high-speed highways, large industrial and manufacturing enterprises, social, medical and sports facilities, new settlements, villages, cities, housing complexes is carried out on the basis of advanced technologies. T hese great initiatives ensure the sustainable economic development of a powerful state, a happy and prosperous life of Turkmen people.

Economy, science and education, healthcare and social security, agriculture and the fuel and energy complex, transport, communications and telecommunications, construction, culture and art – in each of these industries in 2022, great achievements can be noted.

In the past year, Turkmenistan has further strengthened its high authority on the world stage, confidently establishing itself as a peacemaker state, initiator of progressive initiatives on a global scale, and a center of broad international cooperation.

In the era of the revival of a new epoch of the powerful state, Turkmenistan, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, continues to steadily follow the chosen creative foreign policy strategy based on the principles of positive neutrality, peacefulness, good neighborliness and constructive partnership. The key vectors of the neutral Homeland’s foreign policy course for the next period are outlined in the adopted Concept for 2022-2028.

Over the past time, a number of meetings and negotiations have taken place between President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and heads of foreign states and governments, reputable international organizations, prominent politicians and representatives of the business community. Bilateral documents were signed and important agreements were reached that open a new era in the development of multifaceted international relations and mutually beneficial economic partnership of Turkmenistan with its neighbors in the region and other countries of the world.

The foreign policy initiatives of our Homeland aimed at solving global issues of our time, including energy and environmental security, the settlement of military conflicts, are supported by the international community. The dynamic nature of cooperation with the United Nations and its specialized agencies is clearly evidenced by the joint projects implemented and currently being implemented in various fields, Resolutions of the UN General Assembly adopted on the initiative of Turkmenistan.

Among them is the Resolution “2023 – the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace”, unanimously adopted on December 6, 2022 during the 45th plenary meeting of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly. 68 UN member states became co-authors of this document, which expressed the global peacekeeping initiative previously put forward by Turkmenistan.

For each of us, the New Year is a holiday that miraculously connects the past, present and future, bright dreams and new goals. Today, a magical, charming atmosphere reigns in a fairy-tale town near the Main Christmas tree of the country, it is created by the bright decoration of the square, drowning in colorful lights, and the music and songs that sound here.

On behalf of all those present, the presenters address congratulations on the New Year to the President of Turkmenistan, wish Arkadagly Serdar happiness and health, the implementation of the reforms he initiated in the name of the well-being and prosperity of the Homeland.

Via a teleconference call, velayats join the New Year’s celebration in Ashgabat one by one. It is noteworthy that the monitors connecting the capital with the administrative centers of the five regions of the country are installed in the squares in front of the magnificent buildings “Türkmeniń ak öýi”, which have become genuine centers of spirituality and high culture. And today, colorful performances with the participation of popular creative teams have unfolded here, bringing together numerous spectators.

One after another, the head of state and all Turkmen people are greeted and congratulated on the New Year by honorary elders and gray-haired mothers, khyakims, the most worthy and respected residents of all velayats and, of course, youth of the country. Wonderful songs sound, dances are performed, born of inspiration and talent of the people of the ancient and fertile Turkmen land.

Currently, all regions of the country are developing comprehensively. The outgoing year was marked for their residents by a number of important initiatives and events that gave a powerful impetus to the further socio-economic development of the velayats.

The head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov keeps as a priority the issues related to the effective development of investments, construction of production complexes and creation of additional jobs, improvement of transport infrastructure, support for entrepreneurship, increasing the efficiency of agriculture through the use of resource-saving technologies and scientific achievements, food security, providing the population with comfortable housing, high-quality medical, educational and other social services.

There are profound transformations across the country. Among the significant events of 2022, it should be noted the construction of a new modern administrative center of Akhal velayat and the calling it as the city of Arkadag. In a short time, local specialists have built a “smart” city, which features with its uniqueness, beauty, modernity, capabilities of a digital system and advanced technologies. The second stage of the implementation of this large-scale project, which is a testament to the great achievements and economic power of our state, has been launched.

The Turkmen capital completes the New Year’s festive telethon. Every year Ashgabat becomes more and more beautiful, growing with new buildings distinguished by architectural diversity and originality. We are happy to show our favorite city to the guests of the country. It is nice all the year long: drowning in the bright palette of spring, in the greenery of parks and squares, in the fountain abundance of the sultry Turkmen summer. It is especially philosophical in the time of thoughtful autumn and majestic in the strict schedule of winter.

The greetings and wishes of honorary elders, gray-haired mothers and children, as well as the khyakim of the city of Ashgabat are joined by the voices of the masters of arts of the capital, numerous creative teams gathered on this beautiful evening at the Main Christmas tree of the country.

The big concert program was opened by the song “TÄZE ÝYLYŇ AK ÝOLUNDA”, inviting to the big feast. It was followed by the premiere of the song “ARKADAG ŞÄHERI” – a dedication to the new city, which literally in the last days of the outgoing year received the name of the initiator and inspirer of this large-scale project of the Hero-Arkadag.

Giving a tribute to the creative gift of the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, his inspired poetic works set to music, such as “AŞGABAT”, “BAGT NURI”, “ÝADYMDA”, were included in the concert program of the New Year’s Eve.

It should be noted that on New Year’s Eve Arkadag presented his compatriots with a new wonderful poem “May the world be endless!”, the lines of which accurately reflect the creative mood of the Turkmen society:

The best singers of the country performed cheerful and naughty national melodies, songs about love for the Homeland, its new beautiful day. And, of course, they sang about New Year’s miracles and dreams that will surely come true on this magical night. All vocal performances were accompanied by magnificent bright choreographic compositions, which brought a special mood to the canvas of the holiday.

The final chord of the New Year’s concert was the congratulatory song “SALAM, TÄZE ÝYL”, performed by all its participants. The artists addressed congratulations on the New Year to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the people of Turkmenistan, wishing happiness, health, and the implementation of the reforms initiated by the head of state in the name of the well-being and prosperity of the Homeland.

The culmination moment has coming soon and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addresses his compatriots with New Year’s greetings. With great attention, expectantly, the country listens to the words of the head of state, who means for us a new day, bright dreams and high aspirations. The feeling of great pride for independent Homeland, for its present and future unites all those gathered on the square, all Turkmen people in these exciting moments.

On this solemn note, there is a countdown of the last minutes of 2022.

Everything we wish for ourselves, our beloved ones and our Homeland in these last minutes of the year creates an atmosphere of kindness and peace, love and happiness.

The grandiose colorful firework was the final chord of the New Year’s celebration festivities. To the delight of adults and children, it colored the night sky over Ashgabat with thousands of bright constellations.

May 2023 bring us closer to the great goals set, may our beloved Homeland continue to flourish, may its achievements multiply! Happy New Year, dear country!