Ï The city of Arkadag expands its borders

The city of Arkadag expands its borders

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The city of Arkadag expands its borders

According to the resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan «On Amendments to the administrative territory of the city of Arkadag», 102 hectares from the lands of the Gokdepe etrap of the Ahal velayat and 17 hectares from the lands of Ashgabat were transferred to the administrative territory of the city of Arkadag with the aim of further developing its urban economy, creating optimal conditions in the field of organization and management.

The document was adopted taking into account the submission of the hakimlik of the city of Arkadag in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan «On the procedure for resolving issues of the administrative-territorial division of Turkmenistan».

In connection with the adopted document on expanding the administrative territory of the city of Arkadag, the need for relevant work was noted at the government meeting. In particular, by the Order of the President of Turkmenistan, in order to further improve the level of housing and communal services, familiarize themselves with the production and technical characteristics of specialized machines, related equipment, units and equipment for municipal use, meeting international standards of efficiency and environmental safety, the country’s delegation led by the hakim of the city of Arkadag Sh. Durdylyyev was sent to the Federal Republic of Germany from 13th to 18th of November, 2023.

The work to expand the territory of the city of national importance was reported to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the 11th of November during his working trip to the city of Arkadag to familiarize himself with the projects of objects for various purposes planned for construction as part of the second stage of its development. Noting the need to actively introduce the latest achievements and advanced technologies into work when implementing planned projects, Hero-Arkadag emphasized that during construction work, issues of improvement and maintaining cleanliness in the city should be kept under constant control.

At a working meeting held during this trip, the hakim of the city of Arkadag, Sh. Durdylyyev, noted the importance of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan adopting the Resolution «On Amendments to the Administrative Territory of the City of Arkadag» and, on behalf of the employees of the city administration and all residents of the city, expressed sincere gratitude to the country’s leadership for making this historic decision , which inspired the residents of the city of Arkadag to achieve new labour victories. Gratitude was also expressed for the opportunity to study the features of eco-cars suitable for the natural and climatic conditions of the city of Arkadag, and best practices in this area.