Ï An evening of Korean culture was held in Ashgabat

An evening of Korean culture was held in Ashgabat

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An evening of Korean culture was held in Ashgabat

The «Korean National Holidays» evening, held on Tuesday by the Information Access Centre of the Information Centre of the Ministry of Education at the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Azady, will be remembered by its participants for the special atmosphere of friendship and kindness.

Representatives of the organizers and guests from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Turkmenistan spoke about the developing Turkmen-Korean ties, emphasizing the importance of cultural and humanitarian cooperation that brings the two peoples together.

An illustration of this was the artistic reading by university students in Turkmen and Korean of Magtymguly’s famous poem «Türkmeniň» - a work imbued with love for the Motherland, its nature, people and faith in a bright future.

The spiritual atmosphere of the evening was largely determined by the students of the Ashgabat Health Educational Complex - children with hearing, vision and speech impairments, but at the same time very talented. With inspired faces, they sang, danced, showed their drawings to the Korean guests, and talked about their hobbies using sign language, earning thunderous applause from the admiring audience. For the students in the room, this was a powerful example of the importance of an inclusive society, in which everyone should have every opportunity to develop and not be left behind.

The importance of inclusion was clearly confirmed by a video about children with disabilities taking computer courses at the Information Access Centre, which use special equipment provided by Korean partners to teach such children. As noted in the presentation about the activities of the Centre, educational services are provided free of charge to students of the Health Educational and Educational Complex and people of the older generation, which gives a true understanding of its tasks.

Created in collaboration with the Korean National Information Society Agency, the Information Access Centre is designed to provide access to information to everyone, including those for whom access to modern information and communication technologies is difficult due to age or health restrictions. And in this regard, the Centre for Access to Information is one of the leaders in promoting inclusive education and society in Turkmenistan.