Ï An English language week was held at the Conservatory of Turkmenistan

An English language week was held at the Conservatory of Turkmenistan

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An English language week was held at the Conservatory of Turkmenistan

Department of Social Sciences Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulyyeva held an English Language Week dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the outstanding poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi and aimed at implementing the Concept of improving the teaching of foreign languages in Turkmenistan.

The purpose of the ceremonial events and competitions held within the framework of the Week is to increase the motivation of students to study foreign languages, improve their theoretical and practical knowledge, and develop thinking and teamwork skills.

The opening ceremony of the Week continued with the festive exhibition «Geliň, iňlis dünýäsine syýahat edeliň!» which invited students on a journey into the English world. The participants of the event were greatly impressed by the delicious table and decorations reflecting the Turkmen and English cultures. As part of the Week, an educational and methodological seminar was also organized on innovative methods of teaching English, in which teachers and students of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture and the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan took part. In addition, a student concert was held on the theme «Iňlis diliniň we sazyň sazlaşygy» («Harmony of the English language and music»), as well as a number of creative and intellectual competitions - such as «Brain-ring», «Karaoke-battle», «Guess» the flag, which left a great impression on the students.

On the final day of the Week, the festive exhibition «Magtymguly Pyragy – dünýä äleminde» («Magtymguly Fragi - in the world») became a symbol of English and Turkmen culture. At this event, students performed poems by the outstanding master of artistic expression in English and Turkmen. The theatrical composition based on the life of the poet aroused great interest among the audience. The closing ceremony of the Week ended with another vibrant concert event.

The event was another evidence of the effectiveness of the policy pursued in Turkmenistan to comprehensively support the younger generation in choosing a profession and mastering modern knowledge, including foreign languages, which open the door to the wide world, as well as to educate them in a high patriotic spirit.