Ï The new issue of the scientific and methodological journal "Questions of Philology" is available to readers

The new issue of the scientific and methodological journal "Questions of Philology" is available to readers

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The new issue of the scientific and methodological journal "Questions of Philology" is available to readers

Turkmenistan has published the first issue of the quarterly scientific and methodological electronic journal "Questions of Philology" this year, which is published in Turkmen, Russian and English under the auspices of Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Satisfaction of Mehmet Azadi.

The articles presented in it are devoted to the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages", held at the D.Azadi National Research University in December last year, in order to evaluate the implemented scientific and methodological activities within the framework of the Concept of improving the methodology of teaching foreign languages in Turkmenistan.

A special feature of the next issue of the journal is the placement on its pages of scientific and methodological articles by Turkmen and foreign scientists, which reflect the high results of the international conference in Ashgabat, testifying to the consolidation of the capabilities of the world's countries in the fields of education, science and culture, the implementation of positive cooperation between states and peoples.

The coverage of the topic and the results of the conference on the pages of the journal will attract the attention of domestic and foreign philologists, translation scholars, linguists and many other interested readers.

The journal's content includes scientific publications by experts on such topics as ways to convey the semantics of Turkmen postpositions using prefixes in Persian (author: Bahar Akmammedova), the role of literature in language teaching (author: Abhai Maurya), Ways to convey realities in translation (based on the poem "The Future of Turkmenistan" by Makhtumkuli Fragi) (authors: Tumar Saparmuradova, Annagul Berdiyeva), Innovative methods in teaching Hindi as a foreign language (author: Sudha Singh), A study of the development of Chinese writing skills among Central Asian students from the point of view of the discourse organization model (authors: Luo Kun, Song Huijie), Ways to intensify teaching of foreign languages (using the example of Russian as a foreign language) (author: Valery Privatnykh) and others.

The new issue of the journal, as well as all its previous issues, are available to readers on the website of the Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages. In subsequent issues of the electronic journal, it is planned to publish and further distribute among the readership scientific articles by Turkmen and foreign authors devoted to philology, teaching methods, linguistics, pedagogy and psychology.