Ï The Institute of Chemistry is working on creating medicinal ointments from local plant materials

The Institute of Chemistry is working on creating medicinal ointments from local plant materials

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The Institute of Chemistry is working on creating medicinal ointments from local plant materials

Today, Turkmen scientists are working on the production of medicinal ointments based on essential oils obtained from various plants in close cooperation with the Turkmen-Indian enterprise «Turkmenderman-Ajanta Pharma Limited».

Scientific developments of specialists from the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan can significantly expand the range of medicines from domestic plant materials and increase the volume of medicine production. One of these plants is juniper or Turkmen juniper - a coniferous plant from the cypress family. She is also called the mistress of the Turkmen mountains, shaping their ecosystems. Archa has been known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. Juniper stems, fruits and needles are widely used in folk medicine as a natural antibacterial, antiseptic, diuretic, antiviral, expectorant and wound healing agent.

Detailed information on the use of juniper derivatives is contained in the first volume of the encyclopedic work of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan».

Based on the information contained in the book, young specialists from the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, engineers Sergey Lisovenko and Dayanch Arazov, are conducting research in the laboratory to isolate essential oils from various parts of the juniper and prepare medicinal ointments based on them.

According to scientists, juniper branches contain about 0.73-0.87% essential oil, which is a slightly yellowish liquid with a peculiar pleasant odor. It has a complex composition and contains various organic compounds.

Essential oil of juniper serves as a valuable raw material for obtaining useful medicines.