Ï Young scientists develop priority scientific areas

Young scientists develop priority scientific areas

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Young scientists develop priority scientific areas

The successes of Turkmen youth in various fields of the economy, entrepreneurship, education, science, culture and sports will be widely presented not only at the upcoming Youth Forum and Exhibition of Achievements but also in a new edition highlighting the success of the young generation of Turkmenistan and their contribution to the country's development in the year "Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar."

The book will include extensive information about the work of young scientists of the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, which is announced today by Jeren Ashyrmukhammedova, Deputy Director of the Technology Center.

She reports that postgraduate students are being trained in 18 specialties of priority areas of science at the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. Currently, 12 postgraduate students and 11 candidates for a scientific degree are conducting research under the guidance of experienced scientists. Actively participating in various national and international scientific and project competitions, young scientists of the Center regularly achieve top positions.

Thus, H. Orunbaev took the 1st place, N. Charykulieva - the 2nd place, D. Amannazarova and D. Gurbannazarov - the 3rd place at the international competition of scientific works "High Technologies and Innovative Developments," held for the first time in Turkmenistan on the occasion of this year's motto. The work of postgraduate student A. Atabaev on the topic "Electronic Industry" won the 3rd place in the competition "Digital Solution - 2023," organized by the agency "Türkmenaragatnaşyk".

Within the framework of the Youth Forum of the Countries of Central Asia and China "New Era of the Great Silk Road" held in Mary city, young employees of the Technology Center, H. Mukhammetgulyeva, D. Gurbannazarov, A. Atabaev, and G. Sultanmyradova received the Youth Prize of Turkmenistan for their achievements. The high assessment of the work of young scientists at the international level is evidenced by their recent success at the Eurasian Patent Universiade "Looking into the Future," where K. Kerimov and O. Meredova took the 1st place, and E. Kulieva - the 3rd place.

The research results of young Turkmen scientists are reflected not only in the online journal "Innovative Technologies in Turkmenistan" issued by the Technology Center but also in the pages of foreign scientific publications.

This year, the co-authored work by H. Myradov was published in the collection of scientific articles of the X International Conference "Innovative Potential of Science Development in the Modern World: Achievements and Innovations" held in Ufa. The articles by D. Amannazarova and B. Berdiev were published in the scientific and technical journal "Chemistry and Chemical Technology" published in Uzbekistan.

Young scientists of the Technology Center actively work on improving their professional level, studying global achievements and foreign experience in conducting scientific research with the aim of using it for the development of their country. One of the examples of this is the participation of young scientist H. Orunbaev in the "Next Generation Leaders" Training Program within the framework of the Central Asia-Republic of Korea Cooperation Forum, which was held in the Republic of Korea.