Ï Conference in honor of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly united representatives of education sector of Turkmenistan and abroad

Conference in honor of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly united representatives of education sector of Turkmenistan and abroad

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Conference in honor of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly united representatives of education sector of Turkmenistan and abroad

The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Principles of Peacefulness and Spiritual and Moral Values in the Works of Magtymguly Pyragy", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the greatest poet and philosopher of the East.

The meeting was held in a hybrid format with the participation of representatives of Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Seydi, Turkmen Agricultural Institute, Institute of Engineering and Technical Communications of Turkmenistan, H. Deryayev Pedagogic School, as well as universities, diplomatic academies and centers of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, Russia and Ukraine.

During the plenary session of the conference, speeches were delivered by the Executive Secretary of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, Hero of Turkmenistan, candidate of philosophical sciences Ch. Rustemova, Vice-Rector for Research of the K. Dikambaev Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Z. Kurmanov, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations, World Politics and Diplomacy of the Higher School of International Relations and World History of Kazan Federal University B. Alimov, Head of the Department of Turkmen Literature of Magtymguly Turkmen State University, candidate of philological sciences A. Shykhnepesov, Assistant of the Department of Philosophy, Cultural Studies, and Theology of the Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev D. Voroshilov, representative of the Diplomacy Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Soner Saglam and other participants.

The speeches of the delegates were dedicated to the fascinating life and rich creativity of the genius poet. It was emphasized that the works of Magtymguly are still an inexhaustible storehouse of spiritual wisdom, a source of morality, patriotism, an exemplary school of education for the younger generation, a pearl of the treasury of universal values.

It was noted with special pride that the works of the poet and thinker of all times and peoples invariably resonate in the hearts of people in various corners of the world, they sound inspiringly and sensually in different languages of the world.

The international conference continued its work in the following sections: "The Key Role of Magtymguly Pyragy’s Teachings on Statehood in Ensuring the National Interests of Independent and Neutral Turkmenistan," "The Enlightenment Value of Magtymguly Pyragy’s Philosophical and Ethical Views," and "The Literary Heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy- a Contribution to the Treasury of Human Culture."

The participants expressed confidence that the conference would contribute to further study and wide popularization of the rich literary heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great poet and founder of Turkmen classical literature, who dedicated his entire creativity to serving his people, the noble goals of unity, cohesion, peace, and the establishment of an independent state.

At the end of the meeting, all participants received a collection of scientific articles titled "The Doctrine of Makhtumkuli's Universal Peace Value and Important Examples of Modernity," prepared by the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy’s birth.