




Course of creation in the interests of the country and the people

The events of the past week once again demonstrated the success of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's strategy to transform our Homeland into one of the world's powerful states, where the most favorable conditions are ensured for expanding mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners, realizing the intellectual and spiritual potential of society, and improving the well-being of the native people.




Turkmenistan is a country striving for the future

The past week, marked by the blessed holiday of Kurban Bayram, which embodies the triumph of high humanistic ideals, was full of bright, memorable events, convincingly demonstrating that modern Turkmenistan is a politically stable, economically powerful sovereign state with distinctive national traditions of cultural and spiritual-intellectual development.




Towards new heights of progress

Events of the past week have once again attested to the success of scientifically well-founded transformative strategy pursued under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to improve the industrial, resource, labour and mental potential of our fatherland and intensify the meaningful dialogue with all interested countries.




Science and high technologies – basis of sustainable development

It is an indisputable fact that science is a basis of progress, a driving force of transformations in all spheres of life of state and society in the modern world.




The creative potential of Turkmenistan - for the happy life of people

In the state policy of Turkmenistan, an ecological aspect is closely co-ordinated with its social and economic component and is integrated into large-scale programs and infrastructural projects. At that, a great significance is given to popularisation and development of sports, which obtains more and more adherents in our country and is one of the bright tendencies of the new historical epoch. Traditions to organize regularly mass sports events, including bicycle races, put by Hero-Arkadag, today find a successful continuation in the complex strategy realised by Arkadagly Hero Serdar.




Goal of the policy of the President of Turkmenistan - well-being of people

The past week was full of bright, memorable events, which have once again displayed the fact that goals of complex development of regions, diversifications and expansion of export possibilities of economy, introduction of high technologies in all spheres, increase in volumes of output of various industrial and agricultural production are successfully fulfilled under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the year «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi». The most favourable conditions for life and work of people, realisation of their civil rights and freedom, creative and constructive potential of people and all round development of the growing generation are provided in our prospering fatherland.




Creative foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan – a contribution to maintenance of universal peace and sustainable development

The events, which have occurred from the beginning of 2024, the motto of which is «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi», confirm adherence of Turkmenistan to its foreign policy strategy based on principles of positive neutrality, peaceful disposition, good neighbourhood and equal multivector cooperation in regional and global dimensions.




Constructive cooperation for universal progress and prosperity

Steady increase of the standards and quality of life of Turkmen nationals, systematic modernisation of infrastructure of all branches of national economy according to requirements of the time and intensification of constructive international cooperation for achievement of universal creative purposes make up key goals of large scale social and economic programs realised in our fatherland in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.




Under the sacred Banner of our fatherland – on the path of prosperity

The past week was marked with wide celebration of Day of Constitution and National Flag of Turkmenistan in our country. It is deeply symbolical that this big holiday has become an embodiment of realization of dream of Turkmen people of an independent, sovereign state, unity and coherence of the nation, revival of its high spirit, for which great classic of Turkmen literature and well-recognised singer of the national soul Magtymguly called in his poems three centuries ago.




The economic growth of our fatherland - a basis of well-being of our people

Goals of complex development of regions, diversification and expansion of export possibilities of economy, introduction of advanced, including digital technologies in all spheres are successfully realised and volumes of output of various industrial and agricultural products are increased  on its basis by providing  confident advancement of our country towards new boundaries and increase of well-being of people thanks to radical transformations carried out under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State.
