Ï Sunny without precipitation: Turkmenistan weather forecast

Sunny without precipitation: Turkmenistan weather forecast

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Sunny without precipitation: Turkmenistan weather forecast

Summer has arrived in Turkmenistan. The average daily air temperature in the country will be +40°C.

There is little cloudy weather in Ashgabat. Daytime is +38 ... +40°C. At night +25 ... +27°C.

It is sunny in Ahal velayat. During the day +37...+42°C. At night +24...+29°C.

Cloudy with clarifications in Balkan velayat. Daytime +36 ... +41°C. At night +24 ... +29°C. Daytime temperatures will reach +29°C in coastal areas.

It is clear in Mary velayat. During the day +37...+42°C. At night +24...+29°C.

It is windy in Lebap velayat. During the day +37...+42°C. At night +25...+30°C.

It is little cloudy in Dashoguz velayat. During the day +35...+40°C. At night +23...+28°C.